Rehab Module: Unstable Ankles and Feet
The foot and calf need to be able to respond quickly to contact with the ground to help use the elastic energy stored in our tendons. Too much stiffness though and we run the risk of developing injury. The balance between mobility, strength, and reactivity is critical to both trail and road running. This program is aimed at creating and maintaining this balance.
The foot and calf need to be able to respond quickly to contact with the ground to help use the elastic energy stored in our tendons. Too much stiffness though and we run the risk of developing injury. The balance between mobility, strength, and reactivity is critical to both trail and road running. This program is aimed at creating and maintaining this balance.
The foot and calf need to be able to respond quickly to contact with the ground to help use the elastic energy stored in our tendons. Too much stiffness though and we run the risk of developing injury. The balance between mobility, strength, and reactivity is critical to both trail and road running. This program is aimed at creating and maintaining this balance.