Rehab/Prehab Modules

These modules are meant to supplement your strength program. They provide extra protection for the area of concern.

  • Cranky Knees

    This program addresses common muscle imbalances, instabilities, and other dysfunctions that contribute to knee pain. The goal is to give you the capacity to tolerate higher impact activities such as running pain free.

  • Posture Program

    For those who have ongoing neck or mid back tension, find it fatiguing to not slouch, or have had a previous shoulder injury that never fully recovered, this program is for you. It is also appropriate for those who are interested in maintaining better overall shoulder and upper body strength.

  • Low Back Issues

    Low back pain is a common symptom that can become exacerbated by running. This is especially true if there is a lot of vertical or there are fast paces. Ground reaction forces can be absorbed by the back if the feet, hips, and abdominals aren’t functioning optimally. This program is aimed at strengthening the abdominals to support the back and ensuring there is enough mobility at the hips to accommodate longer strides.

  • Unstable Feet and/or Ankles

    The foot and calf need to be able to respond quickly to contact with the ground to help use the elastic energy stored in our tendons. Too much stiffness though and we run the risk of developing injury. The balance between mobility, strength, and reactivity is critical to both trail and road running. This program is aimed at creating and maintaining this balance.

  • Tight Hips

    Tighter hips are a consequence of increased running, especially if running at faster paces. Some of this tightness is beneficial, helping us to create elastic energy and decreasing the energy required to run. Too much tightness and we have a reduced stride length or become injured. This program is for those who have a history of injury related to tight hips or those who feel their limited mobility is inhibiting their movements.